Dec 31, 2015 : Thanks giving adoration was held from 6.45 to 8.00 P.M followed by mass in honour of Mary mother of God & seeking blessings for God as we beigin the hew year. Fr. Victor D’Mello conducted the adoration which was well attended and participated. Fr. Maxim Pinto SVD was the main celebrant while fathers. Mervin Noronha, Fr Salvadore Serrao, Fr Victor D’Mello (PP) Fr. Rolphy D’Souza & Fr. Victor Vas were the other concelebrants. Fr. Victor D’Mello preached homily on the mother hood of mother mary. 

After the mass prizes were awarded to those who won the prizes in drawing compititians organised by the editorial board of keeryanthle Keern. Prizes were also awarded to those who won the prizes in crib and star compititons organised by the ICYM members. Frs. Merwin Noronha & Fr. Rolphy D’Souza gave away the prizes.

After the final blessing housie housie game was organised. New year cake was distributed to all.

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