01st September 2024 Marked a unique day in the history of Kirem church which witnessed the blessing of a newly started brass band called " Rising Stars Band Kirem".

Rev. Fr. Gilbert D'souza the Spiritual director of St. Antony's institute, Jeppu was the main celebrant of the day. He was the inspiration and supporter of the brass band at kirem. He preached a thought providing homily on the preparation for the nativity of BVM. Rev. Fr. Oswald Monteiro P.P blessed children and the brass band instruments honoured the donors Mr. Maxim Pinto, Burton Sequeira and President of choir. In his speech he appreciated the efforts of Mrs. Vinaya Pereira, Parents of children and the tutors.

The Solemn entrance procession of the mass was led by the new band, They also played the band during nativity novena.

The day was also marked with "Prathibha Puraskar" with the honouring of talented students by Catholic Sabha.




















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