“Pray that you may not undergo the test.” Luke 22:40. These words of Jesus were the central theme of the ‘Taize Prayer Service’ organized by the ICYM, Kirem unit in collaboration with the Jesus Youth group, on Sunday 18 March, 2018 at 6pm in the church.









The Altar was decorated and well lit with more than 100 lamps and candles around the Crucifix. Anil(Jesus Youth) introduced the congregation to Taize style prayer service giving some important instructions. Suraj (Jesus Youth) then taught the Taize chants and hymns after which the Taize service began with hymns and chants being repeated one after the other and with Psalms and a reading of the Gospel being recited for contemplation.

There were more than 200 people in attendance to experience the touch of the crucified Savior. It turned out be an apt occasion to prepare for the passion, death and Resurrection of our Lord.







We thank ICYM and YCS units of our Parish for organizing for the prayer service. We remain grateful to the members of Jesus Youth for leading us into prayer.

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Aikala Post 574141 
Mobile : 8277939352